Art After Dark
Museum Nights: Live to Create, Create to Live
Thursday, November 14
6:00 – 9:00 pm

“Art is an invention for bringing life within an emotional grasp.” — UF Professor of Painting Hiram Williams (1917–2003)
Museum Nights: Live to Create, Create to Live, is a lively evening program that focuses on the exhibition In Our Time, and music by Professor Emeritus Richard Heipp’s Ramblin’ Mutts Blues Band, hands-on activities, mini-gallery talks and refreshments. Sean J Patrick Carney, Assistant Professor of Interdisciplinary Studio Art, will present 32.5784° N, 110.8514° W, a live performance with video and sound.
Generous support provided by Art Bridges Foundation’s Access for All program, and a private grant.
Museum Nights are also sponsored by UF Student Government and the Office of the Provost.