Examine the concept of community through the Harn’s Living in Diverse Worlds tour then define individual understanding through art making and self-reflective writing.
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Harn at Home
Community Inspired Collage
A community is a group of people with a common characteristic living together within a larger society. A community can foster a sense of belonging through a shared interest, relationship or experience. We each have our own unique understanding of community. Artists find inspiration in the people, places, objects, traditions...

K12 Educators
History, Labor, Life: The Prints of Jacob Lawrence Curriculum Resource Guide
History, Labor, Life: The Prints of Jacob Lawrence Curriculum Resource Guide was created by Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) to provide exercises based on National Core Arts Standards and to support educators, both within the museum’s exhibition spaces and in their classrooms. This guide provides learning exercises to...

Coffee with the Curators
The Art of Words: Harem Women Writing
A photograph has recently entered the Harn Museum’s Collection, arriving just before the COVID-19 shutdown. Titled Harem Women Writing, it is by the Moroccan artist Lalla Essaydi (born 1956 in Marrakesh, now living in Boston & New York), from her series, Les Femmes du Maroc. It will be exhibited next spring. The...