Watch the video to learn about a style of art called Still Life, then create your own wintertime-inspired still life using collage material.

What You’ll Need

• 8.5″ x 11″ sheet of cardstock or heavy paper
• Magazines
• Scissors
• Glue stick
• Colored pencils or crayons

What You’ll Do

1. Print out the linked table template on a sheet of 8.5 x 11 cardstock or heavy paper. If you don’t have a printer handy, then you can draw your own table.

2. Flip through a magazine to find a variety of colors and objects associated with wintertime. Cut out images of still life objects like cups, plates, bowls, flowers, food and animals that remind you of the season.

3. Play with arranging the cutouts on or around the printout of the table.
• Tip: Experiment with placing the cutouts upside down, sideways or overlapping.

4. Glue down the cutouts to create a wintertime still life collage.

5. Draw around your still life collage to complete your wintertime scene. • Tip: Use your imagination to create a background for your still life. Is your wintertime scene in a kitchen? A museum? A hotel? Outside?


Object Connection:

Lemons and Daffodils by Janet Fish
Janet Fish, Lemons and Daffodils, 2001, Oil on Canvas, Museum purchase, gift of Dr. and Mrs. David A. Cofrin
October by Janet Fish
Janet Fish, October, 2001, Oil on Canvas, Museum purchase, gift of Dr. and Mrs. David A. Cofrin
Green Glass from Alexis by Janet Fish
Janet Fish, Green Glass from Alexis, 2001, Oil on Canvas, Museum purchase, gift of Dr. and Mrs. David A. Cofrin